Freethoughts Forum

This is a place, where people like me can place their free thoughts to share. This is made possible by the wonderfull people at, whom I want to thank very much. My name is Dharma Rahkonen. I invite you all to post your thoughts,and share. and to read those of others. If you are a Freethinker, then you are part of this club. have fun and create and think FREELY to your heart's content. love Dharma

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Location: Glendale, California, United States

I am a woman of many and diverse interest, I believe in people everywhere in the world and I believe in the rights of man.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

It has been a while

Perfect Love?

You are your self
an individual,
diferent from me and very other being.
I too am an individual,
diferent and yet ...
Comunication between us,
duplication comes,
a new reality is born.
Affinity is formed.
Can't help it, we share love
Closeness, admiration.
ahh, total understanding.
I'm not you
but could if I would.
You aren't me,
but should you be called
to answer in my stead
the diference
no one could guess.
Your past and present?
To me cristal clear;
as are mine for you to inspect.
But more then just the facts,
my views, reasons and motives,
you perferctly understand.
I need not explain,
we share our love,
our house,our room, our bed
our thoughts, our shames, our pains,
our dreams, our joys
our fantacies, our concepts.
All as if we were one in the other
and yet we are each other alone
this is our love, total love
Perfect love